1: Title: Gymnast Diva Simone Biles Takes TikTok Behind the Scenes Discover what fans get to see floor level during one of her LSU gymnastics routines.

2: Watch Simone Biles showcase her incredible skills up close and personal on TikTok.

3: Explore the intricate details of Simone Biles' gymnastics routine from a unique perspective.

4: See the precision and grace of Simone Biles' performance at LSU like never before on TikTok.

5: Get exclusive access to Simone Biles' mesmerizing floor routine from a different angle on TikTok.

6: Witness Simone Biles' athleticism and artistry from the floor level during her LSU gymnastics routine.

7: Experience the magic of Simone Biles' performance through the eyes of TikTok.

8: Join TikTok as we delve into the world of gymnastics with Simone Biles at LSU.

9: Don't miss the chance to see gymnast diva Simone Biles and Olivia Dunne shine on TikTok during their LSU routines.