1: Your first illusion determines if you are an introvert or extrovert. Find out with this quiz!

2: Illusion #1: Do you see a vase or two faces? Your answer may reveal your personality type.

3: Illusion #2: Is it a young woman or an old woman? Your perception could indicate introversion or extroversion.

4: Illusion #3: Are the lines straight or crooked? Your interpretation may reveal more about you.

5: Illusion #4: Is it a duck or a rabbit? Your choice could speak volumes about your social preferences.

6: Illusion #5: Do you see a cube or just a series of shapes? The way you perceive may reflect introverted or extroverted traits.

7: Illusion #6: Is it a staircase going up or down? Your answer could suggest if you lean towards introversion or extroversion.

8: Illusion #7: Is it a young couple or an old couple? Your perception could indicate your social inclinations.

9: Illusion #8: Do you see a mountain or a wave? Your interpretation could provide insight into your personality type.